Getting a job is one of the most valuable things today. Following the Recession phase, after a lot companies began downsizing their staff strength, it was a real challenge for one to get a job. How does counter this challenge? Do understand that:
People who look for problems that they can solve get hired.
Ponder the following points before job search:
1. Start networking – add points related to professional queries, utilising your exp as and where required. Plan what sort of a personality you want to project in the network - manager, consultant etc among your friends or industrial colleagues. Provide professional solutions to different issues, take relevant industrial examples to support your arguments. Every company values Solution Providers. This helps you to market yourself for unadvertised jobs. Professional associations, employment agencies etc. can be some groups to be joined. Try it in linkedin.com, zoominfo.com & some job specific networking sites.
2. Shortlist the companies/industries in which you want to offer services. Identify your USPs that would make a big difference to the company’s business if you worked there. If possible, take statistical details, like your previous companies’ latest sales reports, your sales contribution in the previous quarter and how you contributed to an increase in the same. Be aware of the companies’ products or services beforehand.
3. What’s u’r qualification, exp, what do you want to be 5 yrs down the line? What do you want to be in your career 10 yrs down the line? Plan this out and then go ahead into job search, This helps in marketing tuned to your goal. Profession without goals are meaningless and remember, for cash support, you can find a lot of other freelancing opportunities.
4. Industrial shift – This is a worthy option in a job troubled scenario. Who are you, & how u can add to the company’s value based on your exp.? Present this in covering letter, as just a history of u’r careers, or a diplomatic statement supporting u’r qualifications offers no value to the company. You need to let your would-be employer understand that you’d be an asset to him due to your experience and industrial grasp.
Companies are looking for people who can add value by exp, by guidance, by leaderhisp, by responsibility.
Present your profile for people to call you up at the earliest. The problem with job sites is that you may not get the job nature that you desire. Or the jobs may be internally given to employees.
Tags: Solution Providers, Networking, Career goal, experience, USP, industrial shift