Reaching out to the customers in the least of the time is the priority of companies today. Customers give this the maximum priority. Today, customers define their priority. Companies go all way to provide the same. A lot of companies opt to provide more than what's required as well.
Maruti is a simple example of excellent distribution network today. Making themselves available at the nookest locations in India, Maruti has forced those living in most rural areas to think of a better standard of living. Providing the best choice options to customers companies have a wonderful distribution pattern today.
But how do companies do this?
Companies define a few vital parameters to the aspiring distributors:
1. They should have a location of a x b sq m in their possession or at lease. This enables creating their showroom, servicing centre, and more facilities.
2. They should have x Rs. as a cash backup, for any eventualities.
3. They should have a good awareness of the place that they choose for their centre. This helps in designing better strategy measures. Any promotion means, any other measures for a better propagation would better be dealt with by people belonging to and aware of the locality in and out.
4. Any other company specific means or requirements.
All these Franchisees will have a good plus point. They would be working for an established company. So their time won't be caught in creasing a Brand name. They now have to only propagate more about themselves.
The company would benefit a great deal by opening up more centres at the apt locations to reach out to the maximum number of customers.
Distribution is a very important facet of companies that want to expand their sales by direct customer interaction.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Oprah Winfrey is one of the most successful professionals in US today. Holding very interesting sessions with a lot of professionals, she has built a wonderful network of people. It's amazing how she make people absolutely arrested to the television during her conversations. One of the really observant factors is that she lets her clients speak out. Speak out freely. And professionals like Tom Cruise and other interviewees do get arrested.

There are very interesting professional observations to make here:
1. Listen - As one said, a marketing professional reads his clients' mind 70% by listening and only 30% by speaking. When one listens to his client, he not only LISTENS to him attentively, but also judges the validity of each statement by their body language. Voice tone and intensity are also attributes that one observes while listening. And smart people drive the speaker to emotional level pretty fast.
2. Speak less, make the client speak to your tunes - A lot of stalwarts also shed a tear or two if driven to speak on sensitive topics in the right tone. Vinod Kambli shed tears and spoke out his emotions in a very sentimental conversation with the serial host. And didn't he reveal a few secret facts emotionally therein?
Smart professionals do drive their clients to behave the way they way to get the desired result.

There are very interesting professional observations to make here:
1. Listen - As one said, a marketing professional reads his clients' mind 70% by listening and only 30% by speaking. When one listens to his client, he not only LISTENS to him attentively, but also judges the validity of each statement by their body language. Voice tone and intensity are also attributes that one observes while listening. And smart people drive the speaker to emotional level pretty fast.
2. Speak less, make the client speak to your tunes - A lot of stalwarts also shed a tear or two if driven to speak on sensitive topics in the right tone. Vinod Kambli shed tears and spoke out his emotions in a very sentimental conversation with the serial host. And didn't he reveal a few secret facts emotionally therein?
Smart professionals do drive their clients to behave the way they way to get the desired result.
Analyse your customer,
Oprah winfrey,
Vinod Kambli,
Monday, September 28, 2009
What is BlogThis! ? - Blogger Help
Blogspot is a wonderful and money making contribution from Google. Google's made a big wave in the Net market by providing some very wonderful features starting up with the best and fastest search facility, mails, document storage, photo storage features, Google chrome and more. Google is designed new search features for Mobiles.
Now, utilising all that it's provided to Net viewers, Google is also providing surfers to earn while surfing. Don't believe it?? Yes, it's true. Google does provide one an opportunity to earn from the net while surfing.
Bing is Microsoft's answer to Google's web threat.
Microsoft got a big jolt to viewershare thanks to Google's features. Huge percentage of surfers used google for its SPEED, NUMBER OF LINKS and ability to search on any topic that one can think of.
Blogspot is a wonderful and money making contribution from Google. Google's made a big wave in the Net market by providing some very wonderful features starting up with the best and fastest search facility, mails, document storage, photo storage features, Google chrome and more. Google is designed new search features for Mobiles.
Now, utilising all that it's provided to Net viewers, Google is also providing surfers to earn while surfing. Don't believe it?? Yes, it's true. Google does provide one an opportunity to earn from the net while surfing.
Bing is Microsoft's answer to Google's web threat.
Microsoft got a big jolt to viewershare thanks to Google's features. Huge percentage of surfers used google for its SPEED, NUMBER OF LINKS and ability to search on any topic that one can think of.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
“Nothing official about it” was a market share capturing statement. Pepsi used this statement in 1996 Cricket world cup to steal Coke's market share despite Coke's image as the official sponsor. Pepsi drafted this wonderful ad slogan exploiting an understanding of consumer's thought processes.
Market Research provides a company with vital competitive information and an insight into customer decision making factors. Knowledge of consumers' tastes and varying factors provide a measure on future marketing decisions.
Market research, previous strategy performance analysis, proactive measures are a few tools required to increase a company's market share.
Market Research provides a company with vital competitive information and an insight into customer decision making factors. Knowledge of consumers' tastes and varying factors provide a measure on future marketing decisions.
Market research, previous strategy performance analysis, proactive measures are a few tools required to increase a company's market share.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Some of the greatest businessmen cared to remember their customer's birthdays, call them up, wish them, enquire about their welfare and learn more about them. Genuine interested in their customers made them do this spontaineously.
Networking, growing one's friends' circle, is not just about having a lot of friends. Rather, it's about being an "interested" friend.
Networking has a few vital entities -
1. Own individuality - one needs to have his self respect, his earnings and ability to help others. He needs to be a confident individual who not only solves his own problems but also has tremendous interest in helping others solve their problems, as well.
2. Interest in others - He has to be intetested in others, just because he knows them. He should value his friends and their growth.
3. Member of important public clubs - He is a member online networks, trade clubs
and expands his network.
4 Business Knowledge - Interaction with a wide horizon of people increases one's knowledge horizon. Knowledge enables him to provide vital points in important meetings, conferences etc.
All these entitites, maintained as a part of living, will not only enable one to maintain his friend circle, but also grow his network at a great pace.
Networking, growing one's friends' circle, is not just about having a lot of friends. Rather, it's about being an "interested" friend.
Networking has a few vital entities -
1. Own individuality - one needs to have his self respect, his earnings and ability to help others. He needs to be a confident individual who not only solves his own problems but also has tremendous interest in helping others solve their problems, as well.
2. Interest in others - He has to be intetested in others, just because he knows them. He should value his friends and their growth.
3. Member of important public clubs - He is a member online networks, trade clubs
and expands his network.
4 Business Knowledge - Interaction with a wide horizon of people increases one's knowledge horizon. Knowledge enables him to provide vital points in important meetings, conferences etc.
All these entitites, maintained as a part of living, will not only enable one to maintain his friend circle, but also grow his network at a great pace.
Tata Nano hit new lines, a few months before. Launching Nano at a price of Rs 1 lakh, Tata hit the untouched car market. It reached out to people of an average salary, but with high aspirations. Tatas have grabbed the attention of a very competitive market, in the post-recession era.
Pricing is one of the most important Marketing strategies in the market today. Utilized as a vital customer winning tool, solo pricing plans have created a market share growth for a lot of companies. FMCG market witnesses huge price in the same product. To mention a few, Nirma and Surf cater to different markets in the washing powder category.
Pricing is one of the most important Marketing strategies in the market today. Utilized as a vital customer winning tool, solo pricing plans have created a market share growth for a lot of companies. FMCG market witnesses huge price in the same product. To mention a few, Nirma and Surf cater to different markets in the washing powder category.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Capturing Product Market - (In)Tangible
Products or services form the crux of any business. Be the customers' needs like appetite(provided by Food services companies), thirst(cool drinks, pure water sealed bottles), or his wants(Nokia mobiles, iPods), companies offer excellent customer service.
Nokia's leading market share in the Indian Mobile market stands out in the same regard. A happy customer creates few more customers, enabling better revenue over time. Today, mature companies are offering individual customer care, via service centres.
As they say, losing 1 existing customer is far more valuable than getting in 100 new customers.
customer care. market share,
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Marketing Personality - Selling
Excelling in a Marketing career demands very valuable qualities in a professional. Abilities of selling, strategizing, promotion require invaluable attributes to excel.
Selling demands one to push a product into a customer, no matter what the competition is, no matter what the product is. The salesmen are trained specially to divert sales dialogues towards their products' excellent features.
Henry Ford said, "Ford offers cars of all colours as long as it is BLACK".
That was a period in early 20th century, when Ford was looking forward to FORCE his car down the customers' market, with just one color. But, this was the wonderful way in which he promoted his product. And his focus was just one thing then,"to 'sell' Ford car."
Sales target based day wise plans, prospective customer identification, High level of individual confidence, conversational skills all go a long way in successful sales deals.
customer tastes,
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Marketing smartness
A lot of professionals enter the marketing arena fresh from their MBA with an imaginary marketing scholarship, and market capturing agility. While a few do succeed, it gets really tough for the newbees in the marketing line. Marketing needs a primary customer taste understanding for anyone to succeed. This is the fundamental principle. With this knowledge, one can reach the customers much faster, can communicate with them in their understandable terms and sell their products. Customer tastes and their modifying factor knowledge makes it easier to design marketing strategies as well, better. One can market research analytical data to work on the marketing plans and modify them as necessary.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Marketing Management
The chunk of any company to prosper today is Marketing.
There was a time in the early 1900s when the market had very little brands and more number of customers. There, the supplier was the King. As Henry Ford once said, "You can choose any color for your car that you want as long as it is Black." Demand overtook supply in the early 20th century. Time changed a lot. Today, there is a huge competition for every product, be it a 1/- chewing gum to 20 Million $ cars. And this market needs a lot of smart marketing to be captured.
There was a time in the early 1900s when the market had very little brands and more number of customers. There, the supplier was the King. As Henry Ford once said, "You can choose any color for your car that you want as long as it is Black." Demand overtook supply in the early 20th century. Time changed a lot. Today, there is a huge competition for every product, be it a 1/- chewing gum to 20 Million $ cars. And this market needs a lot of smart marketing to be captured.
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